Class 5201 MIG Welding for Dummies

Ever wanted to learn how to weld? Want to impress your friends, your older brother and that cute bartender? It’s easier than you think! In three evenings, you will learn how to lay a bead and handle all sorts of sharp and dangerous tools. You will be able to complete a small project and leave with lots of ideas and know-how for other projects. This class will teach you the basics of welding, metal work and design, joining, bending and finishing. And you will get dirty! Three (3) Different Sessions A, B & C Offered!

A photograph of a person welding

5208 – Glass and Woodblock Printing Fusion

After the smashing success of last year’s class, we’re back with an improved version. Dive into the intersection of glass casting and woodblock printing. Participants will embark on a journey merging traditional techniques to create new and unique artworks.

You will learn the fundamentals of woodblock printing, and how to carve intricate designs into wood blocks to produce striking prints. Then we will explore a novel approach: using the woodcut blocks to create molds for casting glass.

This hands-on course explores the fusion of traditional and contemporary printmaking techniques by transforming carved woodcut blocks into glass printing plates.

By the end of the course, students will have produced 4 remarkable artworks: a traditional woodblock print, a cast glass duplicate, and a print piece of each that celebrates the harmonious marriage of these two distinct mediums.

Printmaker Jun Lee
Artist/Instructor Arden Colley
Prints from Glass Casting

New Spring & Summer Class Schedule

>It has been said that Spring is Nature’s way of saying: Let’s Party! – so why fight it? In the spirit of the season – here is the NEW Washington Glass School class schedule! The Lampworking Schedule will be online shortly.

Class 1046 – Turning Your Wood – Cuts and Lino – Cuts Into Cast Glass Panels

This incredible process will allow your wood cuts or lino cuts to be duplicated in a cast glass panel with out harming your original cut piece! What a miraculous way for that printing technique to be used architecturally! You can also print from the glass plate. Imagine a wall of your wood cuts all translated into glass, then gridded out within in a metal frame….and made into a 10 ft high x 20 ft long wall. Or as simple a single back-lit glass panel! ….The possibilities are myriad! This is the perfect way for a lino cut printer to enter the world of large scale public art or to incorporate a quality of translucency into their work. The process is very simple to learn ……. and it will expand your artistic dialog exponentially …. All while using your own imagery!

Instructor Kirk Waldroff
Dates Saturdays April 2,9 & 16
Time 1pm – 5pm
Tuition $300


Class 1101 – Lighting Solutions For Your Home

This class will bring some serious color to your life, and brighten up your living space. This is the perfect way to use glass in a most practical application: ceiling lamps. You will design your own colored glass, determine your own shape, and have your choice of several different hanging or mounting options. For considerably less than the price of a designer fixture, you can put your own name on one. Tuition includes glass, mold materials, and mounting hardware. No glass experience is needed, and electrical experience will be provided.

Instructor Erwin Timmers
Dates Wed Evenings in May 4,11 & 18
Time 7pm – 9:30pm
Tuition $300

pendant light

Class 1102 – Beginner’s Glass Lovers Weekend

Our most popular class, this is the fastest way to learn all aspects of warm glass in the shortest amount of time! Under the supervision of a professional glass artist you will learn the fundamentals of fusing, slumping and dimensional kiln casting. Everything from bowls and plates to sculptural objects… this is the perfect way for a beginner to learn the basics of glass… and you will leave with several very cool items! Offered 2 times in the spring/summer schedule.

Instructor Robert Kincheloe, Tim Tate
  • Session 1102A Sat/Sun May 21 & 21
  • Session 1102B Sat/Sun July 16 & 17
Time 1 pm to 5 pm each day
Tuition $300 per student (all materials included)

kilnformed glass

Class 1103 – Going GreenRecycled Glass Art Workshop

Green up your life by doing something creative to help the environment! This is an exploration into using recycled glass to make sculptural pieces, architectural elements, and tableware. We will delve into multiple techniques, including casting, fusing and slumping. Glass chemistry, coloration, and firing temperatures will be explained for each particular application. It is a fantastic way to learn aspects of any warm glass work while focusing on recycling! Once you start down the path of recycled glass, you will see more and more opportunities for experimentation around you. No prior experience is necessary – you are encouraged to bring in materials you’d like to try…and you will leave with several very cool items!

Instructor Erwin Timmers
Dates Wed Evenings in June (1,8,15)
Time 7pm – 9:30pm
Tuition $350

recycled glass

Class 1104 – Hot Class Casting with Glass Inclusions and Cast Metal Bases

Here is this summer’s fun and unusual crossover class! Start here at the Washington Glass School making molds from clay or lost wax. After those parts are cast and cleaned up….we next head to our sister school, DC Glassworks and ladle cast glass over those inclusions and then pour molten aluminum for the bases. This is one intense class! While it will be a lot of work…..the results will be purely sculptural.

Instructor Dave D’Orio, Tim Tate & Erwin Timmers
Dates Sat June 25 & Sat July 9
Time 1pm to 5pm each day
Tuition $400

Class 1105 – Beginner’s MIG Welding

Ever wondered about learning to weld? Want to impress your friends, your older brother and that cute bartender? It’s easier than you think! In three evenings you will learn how to lay a bead, and handle all sorts of sharp and dangerous tools. You will be able to complete a small project and leave with lots of ideas and know-how for other projects. This class will teach you the basics of welding, metal work and design, joining, bending and finishing. And you will get dirty!

Instructor Erwin Timmers
Dates Wednesday evenings in June(29) and July (6, 13)
Time 7pm – 9:30pm
Tuition $325

Class 1106 – Bas- Relief In Glass / Overview of Deep Relief Dry Plaster Casting

Tired of working flat? Want an easy way to get some real depth into your glass? Here’s a fun class where you will learn one of the easiest methods of kilncasting sheet glass to achieve bas-relief sculpture. This incredibly versatile method has endless fine art and architectural applications. In this two day class, we will discuss different types of glass and their firing schedules. Working with color and how it can affect dimensional casting will also be explored. Bring items you may want to cast with this method or choose from our image library. All materials and firings included.

Instructor Michael Janis
Dates Sat/Sun Aug 20 & 21
Time 2pm – 5pm
Tuition $350

Class Class 1107 – Studio Access/Open Studio

Already know the basics of casting or fusing? Open Studio gives each student the opportunity to work independently in a world class studio. Tuition includes a kiln firing per session, clear base glass and colored scrap glass, use of studio tools.

Instructor Studio Staff
Dates Wed./Thurs./Sat (call to confirm appointment)
Time 1pm – 5pm
Tuition 4 sessions – $300

jon cofield working in the glass school

PayPal Online Registration for Spring / Summer Classes. Scroll thru list for class numbers:

Preview of New Class Schedule for Spring & Summer

>The long anticipated Spring & Summer Class Schedule is just about finished – here is a sneak peak at the class list. There are some exciting seminars planned – have a look!
Some classes are not listed below – the photo sessions, welding, Bullseye Glass rollup and more, but they will all be online soon!
Click HERE to jump to the website listing.
Spring & Summer Glass School Classes

Beginner’s Glass Lover’s Weekend


Our most popular class, this is the fastest way to learn all aspects of warm glass in the shortest amount of time! Under the supervision of several professional glass artists you will learn the fundamentals of fusing, slumping and dimensional kiln casting. Everything from bowls and plates to sculptural objects… this is the perfect way for a beginner to learn the basics of glass… and you will leave with several very cool items! Offered twice this semester.

Instructors Tim Tate / Michael Janis
Dates Offered 4 times this semester:
Section 1001C : Sat/Sun Mar. 27 and 28
Section 1014A : Sat/Sun May 22 and 23
Section 1014B: Sat/Sun June 26 and 27
Section 1014C: Sat/Sun Aug 7 and 8
Time 1pm to 5pm each day
Tuition $300 per student (all materials included)

Special Seminar Offering :
Social Networking and Marketing Your Art

social network

This special seminar will be held during CraftWeek DC and in cooperation with the James Renwick Alliance’s spring Craft Weekend. Come explore with us the possibilities for advancing your artwork using today’s popular social networks. Get shows, sell your work, approach galleries, blogs, newspapers……so many forms for the new face of art to investigate.

Instructors: Rania Hassan / Tim Tate / Lenny Campello
Date: Sat. April, 24
Time: 1pm to 3pm
Tuition : $20… Email RSVP to:

Special Free Demonstration :
Matt Szosz – Inflating Fused Glass

matt szosz

This fascinating and unusual FREE demo will be held during CraftWeek DC and in cooperation with the James Renwick Alliance’s spring Craft Weekend. Come join us while Matt Szosz shows us an amazing kiln formed experience. Great for Bullseye or Float Glass. A wondrous technique to add to your personal arsenal…..or just really fun to watch as well!

Instructor: Matt Szosz
Date : Sat. April 24th
Time: 11am till 1 pm
Tuition : FREE

Lighting Solutions For Your Home

red lamp

This class will bring some serious color to your life, and brighten up your living space. This is yet another installment in the popular lighting series, and will focus on ceiling lamps. You will design your own glass, create your own shape, and have your choice of several different hanging or mounting options. For considerably less than the price of a designer fixture, you can put your own name on one. Tuition will include mold materials, glass, and mounting hardware. Some glass experience is useful, but not necessary and electrical experience will be provided.

Instructor: Erwin Timmers
Dates: Wednesday evenings in May/June (19, 26, 2)
Time: 7 to 9:30 pm
Tuition: $350

Beginning Sculptural Flameworking


Learn the basics of making objects in the flame from borosilicate (Pyrex) glass. This 2-day class will focus on skills that are the basis of working with glass on the torch. You will come away with knowledge and some fine objects too! Rob is an energetic, knowledgeable instructor and artist who is ready and willing to help anyone learn this fascinating art form. The materials fee provides student with initial pack of glass, fuel for the torches and the loan of a full set of hand tools. Additional glass and supplies are available for purchase as the class progresses. Take this class more than once to reinforce your skills!

Instructor : Robert Kincheloe
Dates: Offered 3 times this semester :
Session A : Saturdays in May (29) and June ((5)
Session B : Saturdays in June 12/19
Session C : Saturdays in July 10/17
Time: 10am to 5pm (pack a lunch)
Tuition : $200 (plus a material fee of $50 due the first day of class)

The Next Step in Sculptural Flameworking – Working Hollow

robert k

This is a student driven class that will promote techniques not displayed in the beginning class.

In this 2-day class, students will learn to work with tubing to create glass sculptures. (materials cost of $50 payable at first class meeting)
Instructor : Robert Kincheloe
Date: Saturdays in August (14/21
Time: 10am to 5pm (pack a lunch)
Tuition : $200 (plus materials cost of $50 payable at first class meeting)

Bowls, Bowls, Bowls

Blue Bowl

One of our more popular classes – everybody appreciates a well made bowl! Work with different types of glass (Bullseye, float, dichroic) and learn some cool techniques for fusing and slumping. This is a great class for beginners to learn and for those with more advanced skills to expand on their glass vocabulary. This is the class where art and function live happily ever after!

Instructor : Michael Janis
Dates: Tuesday eves in May (18, 25) and June (1)
Time: 6:30pm to 9pm
Tuition: $325

Get Your Imagery In The Glass

janis. imagery

Want a focused class that shows how to get your artistic images fused into glass? In this one-day workshop, glass artist Michael Janis will show you what processes he uses to gets his incredibly detailed artwork – and some alternate methods. This hands-on class will deal with high-fire enamels, powders, fusing image transfer and more!
Class Limit: 6 students

Instructor : Michael Janis
Date : Saturday, June 5th
Time: 1:30 to 5pm
Tuition: $200

Basics Of Lost Wax Casting

debra ruzinskydeb ruzinsky

In this class we will make a sculptural vessel form in the “lost wax” method. Students will begin with a pre-made wax form that they learn to carve and alter. Students are asked to research surface design ideas prior to starting, bringing sketches, magazine clippings, xerox’s, etc. No experience is necessary (wear clothing that can get messy and closed toed shoes).
Instructor: Debra Ruzinsky
Dates: Saturdays and Sundays in June. (19,20,27)
Time: 9:30am to 1:30 pm (bring a lunch!)
Tuition: $350

Class – Open Studio at Your Own Pace

open studio
Already know the basics of casting or fusing? Open Studio gives each student the opportunity to work independently in a world class studio. Tuition includes a kiln firing per session, clear base glass and colored scrap glass, use of studio tools.

Instructor : Studio Staff
Dates : Wed/Thurs/Sat afternoons (call to confirm appointment)
Time : 1pm to 5pm
Tuition : $300 for 4 sessions