Class 4901 A, B or C – MIG Welding for Dummies

Ever wanted to learn how to weld? Want to impress your friends, your older brother and that cute bartender? It’s easier than you think! In three evenings you will learn how to lay a bead, and handle all sorts of sharp and dangerous tools. You will be able to complete a small project and leave with lots of ideas and know-how for other projects. This class will teach you the basics of welding, metal work and design, joining, bending and finishing. And you will get dirty! Sessions A,B& C classes are filled!

NOTE! ALL summer MIG Welding Classes are FILLED! Contact direct to be put on waitlist!

A photograph of a person welding

4900 – Glass and Woodblock Printing Fusion

Dive into the intersection of glass casting and woodblock printing in this innovative course. Participants will embark on a journey merging traditional techniques to create unique artworks.

You will learn the fundamentals of woodblock printing, and how to carve intricate designs into wood blocks to produce striking prints. Then we will explore a novel approach: using the woodcut blocks to create molds for casting glass.

By the end of the course, students will have produced 4 remarkable artworks: a traditional woodblock print, a cast glass duplicate, and a print piece of each that celebrates the harmonious marriage of these two distinct mediums.

4903 A or B – Glass Lovers Weekend

As highlighted in Washingtonian Magazine – Our most popular class, this is the fastest way to learn all aspects of warm glass in the shortest amount of time! Under the supervision of a professional glass artist you will learn the fundamentals of fusing, slumping and dimensional kiln casting. Everything from bowls and plates to sculptural objects… this is the perfect way for a beginner to learn the basics of glass… and you will leave with several very cool items!