Norfolk’s OK SPARK Gallery Showcases Narrative Glass Art

Norfolk, VA’s  Okay Spark Gallery will be hosting an exhibit of work by 5 artists from the Washington Glass School titled “DC Five – A Glass Narrative” – from February 5th through March 6th, 2016. 

Glass artists are moving out of their disciplinary confines and now draw from multiple media and disciplines.  The exhibitions will examine the art of storytelling, personal experiences and social commentary through sculptural works in glass.  Artists from DC’s Washington Glass School (Audrey Wilson, Erwin Timmers, Tim Tate, Sean Hennessey and Michael Janis) have a conceptually derived focus to their works. The artists’ interests and practices occupy areas between disciplines and media – dissolving and redrawing the boundaries along the way.

Audrey Wilson‘s kilncast pâte de verre sculptures and multi-media works are metaphors evoking our endless manipulation of environment, our need for control, and our longing for a meaningful union with nature and the other, in a supreme balance of power and delicacy.

Audrey Wilson, “Preparation of a Primary Beam in a Pure State”, kilncast glass, found objects. Photo by Pete Duvall.

Erwin Timmers is one of the DC area’s leading ‘eco-artists’. Recycling, waste, the environment and how they relate to society are recurring themes in his work. His works are made from recycled glass. 


Erwin Timmers, kilnformed recycled glass sculptures. Photo by Pete Duvall

Tim Tate merges traditional craft with contemporary digital media, often working with electronics and video components.

Blue Liason

Tim Tate, “Beware the Marquis”, cast poly-vitro, video. Photo by Pete Duvall.

Sean Hennessey regards glass as ideal for layering dimensional images and text in works that translate ideas concerning human experience, history and space.


Sean Hennessey, “Drink Me”, kiln cast bas-relief glass, LED.

Michael Janis tells his stories using delicate crushed glass powder manipulated and fired into glass panels.

Michael Janis, “Waiting for my Shadow to Fall Back to Earth” Kiln formed glass panel with glass powder imagery. Photo by Pete Duvall.

This diverse and eclectic exhibition at OK SPARK Gallery opens February 5, 2015. Click HERE for gallery website.

DC Five – A Glass Narrative

February 5th through March 6th, 2016, Opening reception Friday Feb 5th, from 6-8PM .

OKAY_SPARK_LogoOkay Spark Gallery 

801 Boush St.
Norfolk, VA 23510
(757) 779-5784

Okay Spark is the only contemporary craft gallery in Norfolk, VA, and is located two blocks from The Chrysler Museum of Artnorfolk-va

Norfolk, Virginia is a pretty creative place. The city has a growing number of eclectic neighborhoods like the Norfolk Arts District and Ghent that are populated with art spaces and galleries like Okay Spark Gallery and the renowned Chrysler Museum of Art, a newly renovated, 220,000-square-foot attraction filled with European paintings, contemporary American art and a world-class glass art collection.

The DC5 doing their kiln mojo dance.

The DC5 in St Pete

The “DC5” glass art exhibit – now thru June.

The “DC Five” – (WGS artists Sean Hennessey, Michael Janis, Allegra Marquart, Tim Tate and Erwin Timmers) exhibit of glass artwork at Florida’s Duncan McClellan Gallery in St Petersburg opened with a great reception!
Weren’t able to fly down to sunny Florida? Here are some shots of the show, and of the St Petersburg Museum of Fine Art lecture by Sean Hennessey and Tim Tate on their glass artwork.

Erwin Timmers work is in the center of the gallery.

Sean Hennessey and Tim Tate’s mixed media artwork on the walls.
Erwin Timmers’ kilnformed glass artwork is made from recycled building materials.
Duncan McClellan Gallery knows how to best display the artwork.
Allegra Marquart’s fused and sandcarved glass panels look great!
Michael Janis’ glass tarot cards on exhibit.
Sean Hennessey talks about his artwork at the Museum of Fine Arts in St Petersburg.
Tim Tate makes a point during his talk at the MFA.
Sean looking so much more relaxed than he does here in DC – he loves Florida.
Jacob Stout gave a hotshop demonstration on the Saturday.
L-R Duncan McClellan, Tim Tate, Sean Hennessey.

‘DC-5’ – Works by Artists of the Washington Glass School

Duncan McClellan Gallery

550 24th Street South,

St. Petersburg, FL 33712

(855) 436.4527