>More event updates for CraftWeek DC 2010 –
The James Renwick Alliance invites you to join them for an Après Dinner Reception and silent auction featuring unique, one-of –a kind craft items from regional and national artists. The reception consists of a delectable dessert buffet catered by Top Chef Season 5 finalist Carla Hall and will include the opportunity to mingle with art lovers and artists from the Washington area and beyond.

Carla Hall
Tickets are $50 and can be purchased online at http://www.jra.org/ or by calling 301-907-3888.
Proceeds from this event will help support the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum.
Please RSVP by April 19, 2010.
When: Friday, April 23, 2010 from 9:00 PM – 11:30 PM.
Where: Long View Gallery
1234 9th St, NW
Washington, DC
Click HERE to jump to the Spring Craft Weekend JRA list of events.
Pecha Kucha with NoVA’s AIA
As part of Architecture Week 2010, the Northern Virginia Chapter of the American Institute of Architects will have a Pecha Kucha mashup (a series of short slide presentations – approx 6 minutes each- on cool, entertaining topics held where conversation, ideas and drinks can flow) – and I am one of the scheduled speakers – talking about art, architecture and glass (so you know it will be a cool and entertaining night!). Other speakers include: Kevin Wyllie, Architect, Catholic University School of Architecture; Ron Anzalone, Archeologist; Tom Kamm, Theatrical Stage Designer; Chul Park, Graphic Artist, Forest Allread, Artist, Corcoran School of Art; Brian Frickie, Architect; and others.
Come and join us! – A great way to meet other artists, architects and designers – @ the Light Horse Restaurant in the Old Town section of Alexandria.
What: NoVA’s AIA PechaKucha 20 x 20 Night
When: April 13
Doors open at 6:00p with presentations beginning at 7:00p
Where: Light Horse Restaurant & Bar, 715 King Street Alexandria, VA.
Enjoy food and drink and discover a fun way to share ideas and experiences as presenters illustrate something they are passionate about with only 20 images, shown for 20 seconds each. The event is free, although attendees will be purchasing their own refreshments. Reservations are not required.
Kiln Klassics
>The Washington Glass School’s kilns are all from the same manufacturer – Paragon Kilns. The president of Paragon, John Hohenshelt, will be at the Washington Glass School next Tuesday, April 13, 2010 from 2-4pm and will be available for you to ask questions (in person only) about kilns; how to choose the best kiln for your use; how to repair insulated firebrick; relay questions; what new kilns are coming out; what is Mesquite, Texas really like.
John Hohenshelt and the Paragon Iguana Kiln
Paragon is having a video competition where the prize is one of their kilns – for more info – click HERE.
The contest ends midnight, August 31, 2010, central time.
Taos Institute for Glass Art "Call for Entries"
Call for Entries is Now Open
TIGA is announcing the 2010 national call for entries for this year’s ever expanding Taos Art Glass Invitational. The event, produced by the Taos Institute for Glass Arts, is also sponsored by Glass Alliance – New Mexico, the Taos Gallery Association and the Town of Taos and has begun attracting top collectors from around the country. These events will be promoted in national and regional publications, with special emphasis given to personally invite national collectors.
Click Here to see the call for entries
Click Here to jump to the application form
Click HERE to jump to TIGA’s website
Tim Tate & Marc Petrovic Show @ Museum of Arts + Design
Museum of Arts and Design, 2 Columbus Circle, NY, NY
In April, New York’s Museum of Arts and Design will open “Dead or Alive“, an exhibition showcasing the work of more than 30 international artists who use organic and once-living materials-such as insects, feathers, shells, bones, silkworm cocoons, plant materials, and fur.
“In the hands of these artists mute materials are brought back to life as works of art,” states Chief Curator David McFadden. “With profound and provocative associations, organic materials are transformed and resuscitated. This exhibition evokes our deepest emotions about mortality, but at the same time celebrates the new life given to lifeless materials by these talented individuals.”
Dead or Alive, on view until October 24, 2010, features new site-specific installations and recent work by contemporary artists from around the world, including Jennifer Angus, Nick Cave, Tessa Farmer, Damien Hirst, Alastair Mackie, Kate MccGwire, and a collaborative installation by Tim Tate and Marc Petrovic.
Dead or Alive follows upon themes of a slightly macabre nature. Once-living parts of flora and fauna are recombined and rearranged into works of art that address the transience of life, and all that is elegant and alarming about the natural world.
• Artist Nick Cave uses leaves, hair, twigs, and other found objects to create bold costume-sculptures called Soundsuits. When worn, the Soundsuits are brought to life and create a loud swell of noise as the performer moves-a meditation on the power of ritual and ceremony.
• Jennifer Angus also subverts familiar forms with her site-specific architectural installations. Built to mimic interiors furnished with traditional wallpaper and textiles, the works are actually ornamented with thousands of dried insects pinned directly to the wall. These installations blur the distinction between decoration and expression, and between domestic comforts and disturbance.
• Cuban artist Fabian Peña employs insects to explore the endless cycle of life and death, and to comment on the foulest conditions of human existence. For The Impossibility of Storage for the Soul (2007), Peña has rendered an image of the human skull using only clipped cockroach wings. Mounted on a light box, the wings cast an eerie amber glow into the gallery.
• Washington Glass School’s Tim Tate and Marc Petrovic‘s collaborative work “The Apothecarium Moderne” is an installation referencing a 19th century apothecary…….but represents cures for the ills of modern man.
The nine cures represented are (Left to Right From Top) : Loss Of Faith, Financial Insecurity, Identity Theft, Over-population, Erectile Dysfunction, Infertility, Family Dysfunction, Intelligent Design and Ennui.
Marc Petrovic on the collaborative process: “I really enjoyed being able to add and subtract elements and ideas with another artist. It seemed to take some of the mental pressure off not having to come up with the entire concept and execution all on my own. I often have input from my wife, Kari Russell-Pool, when I work on my own pieces, but I almost always execute my own pieces entirely by myself from start to finish. This was a lot of work, but a great experience.”
“After a majority of the components were made I went to Tim’s studio in DC and we laid out all of our fabricated parts along with all our found objects. After we went over each bottle one at a time putting all of the parts for each bottle together to get a better visual of our concepts manifested, we then edited the pieces further and added or subtracted components to get them to work visually as well as to strengthen the concepts.”
“We then split up the components again and, each in our own shops, worked on assembling the more complex components. Tim did the final engraving of text on the bottles. The division of labor worked out to be pretty equitable.”

The top finial contains an exclamation point. Inside is filled with unlit matches, save for one atop a dome filled with firecrackers. The text is in German….the chorus of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony’s “Ode To Joy”.