Community College of Baltimore County to Visit Washington Glass School

The Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) new fall class schedule includes a trip to Washington Glass School!

Community College of Baltimore and Washington Glass School  co-teaching

The CCBC offers classes to the public that are designed to enlighten and offer social and cultural enrichment. Led by knowledgeable glass collector Howard Cohen, the CCBC will hold a tour of the Washington Glass School on November 16, 2021.

It will be the Best Class Ever. The more you know!

CCBC Contemporary Glass Art Class’ DC Day

Gallery owner Maurine Littleton talks about the works and history of Harvey Littleton

Gallery owner Maurine Littleton talks about the works and history of Harvey Littleton.

Glass Art Enthusiast and Contemporary Art Historian Howard Cohen took his CCBC Senior Institute class on some trips to visit the Washington Glass School and Maurine Littleton Gallery this week. The students were able to talk with the glass artists and gallery owner about the history, techniques and essence of the works being worked on and exhibited.

CCBC Senior Institute glass history students talk with artist Tim Tate about his artwork and the international art scene.

CCBC Senior Institute glass history students talk with artist Tim Tate about his artwork and the international art scene.

Artist Michael Janis talks about his sgraffito glass process with the group.

Artist Michael Janis talks about his sgraffito glass process with the group.