Who’s A Hottie?


Robert Kincheloe’s a hottie – over 200 °F (100°C)!

Kiln casting large forms can test the limits of the size of the kilns the glass is being fired inside. Very large glass forms can require more glass than the mold’s reservoir can hold at one time, requiring that additional glass be added during the firing process to fill the mold to the top with glass. Tim Tate is creating a new series – his “Cabinet of Curiosities” and some of the figures are very large.

Tim Tate’s cast glass figures are sometimes over 20″H of solid cast glass.  

Audrey Wilson and Robert Kincheloe suit up to “charge” the flower pot reservoirs inside the hot kilns. 

Audrey gets ready to add the pre-chopped Bullseye glass pieces into the red-hot kiln.
Rob opens the heavy kiln lid and Audrey moves in quickly.
Audrey slides in the glass into the flower pots.
The process is repeated a number of times, each time allowing the kilns to return to hot temps and the green suited elves to cool down.
Rob and Audrey are literally smoking hot artists!

Tim’s work will be featured at Chicago’s S.O.F.A. Art Fair this November in Habatat Galleries space.

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