>Jodi Walsh – owner of DC’s Gallery 555dc, visited the Washington Glass School to jury works by students for a new glass sculpture show that opens this Saturday, June 4, 2011.
The judging took place over the Memorial Day weekend.
Congratulations to all the artists selected for the show – it should be a great event!
Washington Glass School artists in the exhibit include: Patrick Truby, Graham Fox, Nancy Donnelly, Robert Kincheloe, Teddie Hathaway, Brenda Dean and Erin Antognoli.

Student Exhibit
Gallery 555dc
555 12th Street NW Lobby, Washington DC 20004
202-393-1409 or 240-447-6071
Exhibition Dates: June 1 – June 30, 2011.
The reception is Saturday, June 4th, 2011 – noon to 5pm; Artists present 3 – 5pm
The gallery will also feature paintings by Michele Cormier.