Bullseye Roll-Up Class


Kilncast glass got the blown glass treatment in the roll-up class this past weekend. The class explored the innovative glass working method often referred to as “the Australian Roll-Up” – a technique that allows the artist to blow 3-dimensional forms without the necessity of a furnace and allows for an extended time for focused design of the patterning, as compared to the faster pace required for traditional hot glass.

This class combined working on both the
Washington Glass School and at DC GlassWorks allowing for a fun cross-pollination of ideas and techniques.

Nancy’s flat fused glass

Nancy Donnelly torches her glass on a pastorelli

Rolling up the glass panel

Bringing the ends together

Mike Showalter shapes while Nancy gives a bench blow.

The finished piece.

The other class roll-ups:

Bullseye Glass E-Merge 2010


e-merge 2010 is the sixth biennial, juried kiln-glass exhibition for emerging artists sponsored by Bullseye Glass Co.—a manufacturer of colored glass for art and architecture with worldwide distribution and a strong commitment to education and promoting glass art. Hosted for the first time at Bullseye Gallery, this exhibition will recognize students and early-career artists who are rising through the ranks of kilnformed studio glass but who are not yet represented by major galleries. e-merge 2010 offers over $5,000 in prizes in the form of Bullseye gift cards and conference scholarships. Finalists and their works will be represented in a full-color exhibition catalog with photos, bios, and artist statements. Submitted works must be made with Bullseye glasses. They will be judged for excellence of concept, craftsmanship, and design.

Our instructor of The Glass Bowl class, Diane Cabe, was a finalist of the award in 2004.

Entry fee $35.

For more information – click HERE to jump to BE competition info page.

Changes to Bullseye Glass Anneal Temperature

>Goodbye 960
Unless you’re living under a rock you already know that fused glass manufacturer, Bullseye, quietly announced that it is changing its standard annealing tables. The recommended anneal soak temperature drops to 900F from 960F.

According to Ted Sawyer, who runs BE’s research and education department, the closer you get to the strain point of soda-lime glass, the less time you need to spend in anneal soak. Stress in the glass relaxes more quickly at 900 than it does at 960.

Shorter anneals are advantageous for folk who make a living with glass art, since it means they spend less time in production with every piece. It could shave 200 hours off the schedule for an 8-inch thick kilncast piece. And if the glass is cooling over a shorter temperature range, the risk of breaking may be less.

Bullseye also emphasized (strongly) that there’s nothing wrong with the old schedules. They can still be used.

BE does not have all their new tables online, but here is their thick annealing schedule: Bullseye_annealing_thick_slabs