Want to know what is entailed in the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare?)
Gateway CDC will host a workshop on Thursday, October 24 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM
Location: 39th Street Gallery at 3901 Rhode Island Ave. (Second Floor 39th Street entrance) Brentwood, MD 20722
Have you always thought Health Insurance was beyond your reach?
Please join the Gateway CDC’s 39th Street Gallery and the Montgomery County Health Department for a workshop for artists and other underinsured in Prince George’s County.

Affordable Care Act and the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange
The Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (MHBE) has launched the Connector Program in Maryland, in accordance with the Affordable Care Act and Maryland law, to provide target populations with in-person education, eligibility and enrollment assistance.

The Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Act of 2012 established programs to serve both the Individual and the SHOP Exchanges. Nearly 250,000 Marylanders are expected to become newly insured as a result of expanded Medicaid eligibility and the creation of subsidized health insurance product offered through Maryland Health Connection (MHC).
To successfully enroll the State’s uninsured residents in coverage options available through the Affordable Care Act beginning in October 2013, the MHBE has developed the Connector Program to provide robust outreach and enrollment mechanisms to help consumers learn about, apply for and enroll in an appropriate health insurance products, including Medicaid, the Maryland Children’s Health Program, and subsidized and non-subsidized qualified health plans.
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Seating is limited. You will receive a reply email informing you of attendance confirmation.
Gateway Community Development Corporation drives economic revitalization along the U.S. Route 1 Corridor through business and neighborhood development initiatives including promotion of the arts as a community building strategy. Gateway CDC works within the communities of Brentwood, North Brentwood and Mount Rainier, MD and in collaboration with multiple partners to ensure the success of the entire Gateway Arts District. Gateway CDC is a 501c3 non-profit organization located in North Brentwood, Prince George’s County, Maryland.
Gateway CDC, 4102 Webster Street, North Brentwood, MD 20722, www.gatewaycdc.org, 301-864-3860