2015 NCAC-APA Planning Conference

american.planning.association.bannerThe National Capital Area Chapter (NCAC) of the American Planning Association (APA) has its annual One-Day Conference this Saturday, June 20, 2015, at Catholic University’s School of Architecture and Planning. The mission of the NCAC-APA is to expand knowledge and experience in the urban planning profession generally and to help to shape communities and environments.

Tim Tate is one of the instructors at a talk this Saturday: The Demystification of Public Art.

This panel discussion will first define what it means to develop good public art projects and programs, then explore the potential benefits and challenges typically faced during collaboration between the community, developers, governmental entities, and public artists. Lastly, the panel will discuss a range of art installations that could be developed in the community. The panel aims to address the most popular questions and concerns typically asked as they specifically relate to public art, such as: why is there such a range in the use and acceptance of public art within the sponsorship of public art projects; what are potential benefits and challenges to be investigation; and how can we cultivate a progressive approach to the implementation of good public art projects throughout the region? 

For more info on the APA Conference- click HERE

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