International Glass & Clay Exhibit Travels To UK Museum

International Glass & Clay exhibit in Washington, DC, March 2013

This year, Sister City art organizations enabled Washington, DC to host an exhibit of glass and clay artwork by US and UK artists during the month of March. The Washington Glass School – one of the partners in the exhibition – has had a history of working with artists from Washington, DC’s Sister City of Sunderland, England, which is President George Washington’s ancestral home.
The International Glass & Clay exhibit that was originally held here in DC in March of 2013 has moved on – and over the pond – landing in the UK, with the exhibition opening at the Sunderland Museum, in Sunderland, England. Currently, the main show at the museum is an exhibit of tapestries by noted English artist Grayson Perry, titled “In The Vanity of Small Differences“.
Exhibiting at two venues in the City of Sunderland, the exhibit again integrates and mixes works by artists from both cities from August 22nd September 29th 2013. DC artists exhibiting: Sean Hennessey, Jeff Herrity, Michael Janis, Tamara Laird, Laurel Lukaszewski, Tim Tate, Novie Trump. UK artists exhibiting: Stephen Beardsell, Criss Chaney, James Maskrey, Brian Thompson, Robyn Townsend, Margareth Troli, Roger Tye, Phil Vickery and Philippa Whiteside.

Novie Trump’s ceramic installation looks incredible.

If you find yourself in England’s beautiful North East, wandering along the River Wear – do pop into the Museum. Oh, and stop by the National Glass Center for a spot of Prince Rupert’s Drop

International Glass & Clay
August 22 – September 29, 2013 
Sunderland Museum and Creative Cohesion

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