Call For Exhibition Proposals
M-NCPPC Gateway Arts Center Gallery
APPLICATION DEADLINE – February 28, 2010
The Gateway Arts Center is a dynamic space dedicated to presenting and promoting the visual arts, located Brentwood, Maryland. In addition to the M-NCPPC, the center is home to a dozen artists’ studios, a gallery operated by the Gateway CDC, and the Prince George’s African American Museum & Cultural Center. The Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission occupies approximately one quarter of the building, in which we feature a gallery, a contemporary craft showcase, and an arts class/meeting room. It is a place for people of all ages to meet, engage and learn about challenging art, purchase one- of-a-kind craft objects, and explore new talents.
The art gallery is approximately 1,300 square feet. It features high, open ceilings, track lighting, and pristine white walls.
This call is open to all artists and curators who are 18 years of age or older.
Each application should include:
• An artist/curatorial statement that is no longer than one page.
• A résumé or Curriculum Vitae
• A CD/DVD containing 15-20 images of work samples; OR 2-5 segments of audio and/or video, each no longer than five minutes in duration; OR an appropriate combination of images, video, audio and web-based work.
• A list of works/images that includes titles, media, size, and dates created.
• An SASE for the return of materials. Materials will not be returned unless an SASE with adequate postage is provided.
Attn: Gateway Arts Center Arts & Cultural Heritage Division, M-NCPPC 7833 Walker Dr. Suite 430 Greenbelt, MD 20770
Effort will be made to review all submissions, regardless of format. However, please be aware that incompatible files may cause submissions to be rejected. Applicants are encouraged to format files as described below.
• No image or text files should be larger than 1MB.
• Image files should be formatted only as jpeg, tiff, gif, or png.
• Video and audio submissions may be submitted as a DVD, or on a CD and formatted as Quicktime, Windows Media, .wav, or .mpeg files, as appropriate.
• Name each file: “last name” underscore “document” Example: jones_worksamplelist.pdf.
• Name image files similarly, but begin with a two-digit number that corresponds with the Work Sample List: Example: 01_jones_untitled.jpg
• Web-based work may be submitted as a URL listed in the work sample list. Web-based art is work of a nature such that it’s only appropriate manifestation is online. A portfolio website that features audio/video art and/or still images is NOT web-based art.
Proposals will be reviewed by the M-NCPPC Gateway Arts Center Gallery Committee during March 2010. Selected artists will be notified shortly thereafter.
When possible, the M-NCPPC will provide for handling and transportation for artwork within the Washington, DC region using M-NCPPC staff and vehicles. Exhibitions will be installed and removed by M-NCPPC staff unless the nature of the work requires special assistance. Artworks should be properly presented and ready to install when they are delivered.
The M-NCPPC will retain a 25% commission on all art works sold during, or as a result of the exhibition. M-NCPPC will be responsible for the safekeeping of all consigned artworks while they are in the custody of the Brentwood Art Center.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact: Phil Davis, Assistant Director, Gateway Arts Center
tel. 301-277-2863; tty. 301-446-6802; fax. 301-277-2865