>Michael Raman started lampworking, blowing and fusing glass at age 11, at GlassRoots – a NJ glass studio.
Located in Newark, NJ, GlassRoots was founded in January 2001 with the belief that communities can be transformed and elevated through the arts. Its mission statement is to “provide multiple opportunities for at-risk youth, ages 10-18, to realize their potential through the creation of glass art. As the only non-profit “hot shop” for young people in the greater New York metropolitan area, GlassRoots provides a nurturing environment in which otherwise underserved children can achieve self-esteem and creative expression while also learning basic business skills and valuable life lessons through the exploration of the unique art forms of glass making.”
When Michael was 13, his family moved to the DC area, and he sought out the glass blowing facilities at DC GlassWorks, where he impressed the owner Dave D’Orio with his skill and focus.

Now 15 years old, Michael assisted Marc Petrovic when he was here for the James Renwick Alliance workshop.

DC GlassWorks just had an Open House, where the young Michael worked with an even younger glassblower – a 12 year old named Logan – shown here working on his first piece. One can’t be but impressed with the enthusiasm, intensity of focus and skill of these young’uns ( babies actually!).