
John Miller’s “Hot Stuff” exhibition at Hodge Gallery in Pittsburgh Glass Center
July 2 thru Sept 26, 2010.
The Washington Glass School Blog first wrote of John when he was one of the featured artists at the 2009 Wheaton Arts Glass Weekend Relay Competition.
Click HERE to jump to a video of the relay team of Tim Tate, John Miller, Laura Donefer and Marc Petrovic.
John is an assistant professor and head of the glass department at Illinois State University in Bloomington-Normal, IL.
“Hot Stuff” features John’s Claes Oldenburg-like, over-sized goblets and glassware including martini and daiquiri glasses – some holding as much as five gallons – and some super-sized fast food from his “Blue Plate Special”.
Says John in his artist statement:
“My work reflects both a love of the immediacy of the glass material and a respect for its demanding properties. Some pieces are very formal and about glass and how it moves; others envelope a sense of humor and playfulness. I am always interested in pushing the medium to its heights. My work is about control and proportion as much as it is about finding new textures and forms... While looking through images of the work of Pop artist’s from the 1960′s, something clicked for me. Previously, I had been making artwork that revolved around serious topics. I felt that this work revealed only one side of me. The predominant side of my personality is very loose and comical, but this had not come out yet artistically.
One of my main influences growing up was the silent comedy genius of Buster Keaton. Although humor was central to his art, he was intensely serious about his work. I feel our approach to the creative process is similar. Keaton managed to find a balance between his difficult life and his brilliant slapstick gags. Similarly, I try to find equilibrium between the intensity of glass blowing and the humor which can be found in art and the art making process.”
Click HERE to jump to the Pittsburgh Tribune review of John’s show.
Pittsburgh Glass Center
Hodge Gallery
5472 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Tel: 412-365-2145