Washington Glass School Winter Exhibition 2011


The Washington Glass School 10th Anniversary Winter Sculpture Exhibition and Open House was held on December 10, 2011. Here are some shots from the day:

Mount Rainier City Councilman Jimmy Tarlau checks out the Open House – loving the artwork by Dave Cook.

The Washington Post had featured Erwin Timmers cast recycled glass in the Weekend Section – and his work had drawn many visitors.

Erwin Timmers chats about art with Stephan Thurman and Laurie Brown.

The Glass School’s newest elf – Mick Coughlan – updates and advises Santa on the current “Naughty or Nice” status.

From the looks of the conversation between Robert Kincheloe and M.L.Duffy – I’m guessing “Naughty” list material.

Sean Hennessey chats with one of the art patrons about his mixed media works.

Takoma Park’s Exhibits Director, Alison Carr with her family – checking out Sean Hennessey’s concrete-and-glass sculpture.

Syl Mathis‘ cast glass sculpture always draws a crowd.

Everyone wants to know more about the artwork on exhibit.

Debra Ruzinsky exhibits her beautiful cast glass – Sweet!

Nancy Donnelly‘s copper, glass and steel sculpture were some of the most popular works in the show. Nancy nearly sold out of all her work. I understand that she had another art opening after the school’s show, and sold many of her painting works! This is Nancy’s year!

Speaking of years – this is also a big one for metalworker Chris Shea. Chris’ artwork was recently acquired by the Smithsonian Museum as part of the permanent collection at the Renwick Gallery. Congratulations, Chris!

Michael Janis explains his “sgraffito” technique of drawing with crushed glass powder.

Relaxing in the lounge – Robert Kincheloe, ceramic artist Novie Trump, and Sean Hennessey.

It was a great time to check out the new class schedule, meet the artists, visit with friends. Looking forward to what 2012 will bring!