Washington, DC
Opening Night:Friday, August 13, 2010 at 6:00pm
Gallery Hours: Wed. – Friday 11am-5pm, Sat. 11am-3pm
Exhibition Closes: Wednesday, August 25th, 2010, 5pm
For more information, contact Moshe Adams at moshe.adams@dc.gov or (202) 724-5613
Exhibiting Artists include: Adam Davies, Alec Simpson, Alexandra Silverthorne, Andrew Wodzianski, Anna U. Davis, Beatrice Delmonte, Bernard Smith, Bruce McKaig, Colin Winterbottom, Cory Oberndorfer, Dana Jeri Maier, Daniel Brooking, Donald Benjamin, Elaine Langerman, Elizabeth Wyrsch, Gediyon Kifle, James Brown Jr., James L. Hicks II, Jason Haber, Jenna Buckingham, Jenny Walton, Joanne S. Kent, John James Anderson, Joshua Cogan, Joshua Yospyn, Judy A. Southerland, Katharine MacDonnell, Kenneth George, Lely Constantinople, Leslie Talusan, Anne Marchand, Marta Perez Garcia, Michael Dax Iacovone, Michael Janis, Nancy Donnelly, Nicole Aguirre, Patricia C. Goslee, Patricia Tobacco Forrester, Patrick Michael Beldio, Peter Dueker, Rachel Beamer, Rania Salah Hassan, Rex Weil, Rik Freeman, Roderick Turner, Scott G. Brooks, Sean Hennessey, Sheila Crider, Sondra N. Arkin, Terrance E. Biddle, Tim Tate
The Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts Gallery at Smith Farm Center
1632 U St NW, Washington DC, 20009

Seasonal Changes by Tim Tate
photography by Anything Photographic
Glass-meister Tim Tate is working on some new series for SOFA Chicago in November. Here is a sneak peak at some of the works he is completing.
Tim’s series “Seasonal Changes” incorporates cast and blown glass, electronics and videos. Mr Tate has been working non-stop on work for this and a number of other major shows – keep posted for pics of some of his other projects as they complete!
Spring Awakening
Blown and Cast Glass, Electronics, Video
18 x 7 x 7
Inside are cast glass sprouting crocus bulbs. On the top finial is a bouquet of cast glass flowers. The video is a time lapse of flowers opening and closing.
Autumn Transformations
Blown and Cast Glass, Electronics, Video
18 x 8 x 8
Inside are cast chrysanthemums, top finials is covered in dozens of cast glass acorns. Video is of ripe grain in a soft wind.
Autumn Transformations (detail)
Blown and Cast Glass, Electronics, Video
18 x 8 x 8

Winter Warmth
Blown and Cast Glass, Electronics, Video
18 x 8 x 8
Inside are cast glass snowflakes and pine cones. The finial is of holly surrounding a teapot. The video is a city scape of rooftops with snow falling.

Summer Dreamin’
Blown and Cast Glass, Electronics, Video
18 x 8 x 8
Inside are stacks of watering cans. Video is of light reflecting off a swimming pool

Summer Dreamin’ (detail)
Blown and Cast Glass, Electronics, Video
18 x 8 x 8
Posted in sofa chicago, Tim Tate
Gallery Neptune
(Photos above by Mark Finkenstaedt / The Washington Post)
The DCArtNews blog has posted a letter from owner Elyse Harrison – Bethesda’s Gallery Neptune is closing :
In the spirit of economic realism (but indeed not cultural nourishment), Gallery Neptune will conclude it’s seven year run this summer on August 21st.
The good news though is that elements of the gallery’s programming such as our special events will continue, as will the very important work of Studio Neptune, our 20 year old educational program. In fact, Studio Neptune is positioning itself to go non profit and add a wonderful online component that will reach out to art educators and creative people everywhere.
I want to personally thank all of you who have shown dedicated support in covering our numerous exhibits over these past years. It is truly a labor of love to run an art gallery and our two year old gallery space in the building we so carefully developed is proof that my husband and I are firmly dedicated to inspire through good design and excellent programming.
I hope you remain interested in Studio Neptune’s bounty, as we step forward this fall on our world wide journey.
Elyse Harrison
Elyse Harrison has run one of the best art venues in the area, and has worked tirelessly as an artist, educator, and gallery owner; the closing of the gallery is a sad loss for the arts community. On a personal note, as an artist, she and the gallery have provided me invaluable support and expertise in my art career. I will miss the gallery, and hope that Studio Neptune gets all the support and success it deserves.
Michael Janis
Posted in elyse harrison, gallery neptune, studio neptune