
21st century glass21st century glass21st century glass21st century glassThe Washington Glass School is a unique educational program in the Nation’s Capital area, operating as the sculptural glass education, artistic and community center and resource for the mid-Atlantic region, serving students, artists and the general public. It encourages research and exploration of new techniques in all aspects of glass (kilncast, fused, cold worked) as well as other media such as steel, ceramics, lighting and concrete. Our goal is to introduce artists in other media to the depth, processes and joys of glass to enhance their work.

The classes offered include hands-on instruction and workshops introducing a variety of glass techniques along with more specific courses. The School also brings in guest instructors for warm glass weekends and/or week-long concentrations and workshops. Current course offerings include beginning and advanced fusing, fusing with plate glass, cast glass and steel sculptural development, and architectural lighting. The focus is on the exploration and creation of artwork, sculpture and lighting, including jewelry and architectural elements (lighting, tiles, tables). Our classes are scheduled with urban living in mind, and are typically held on evenings and weekends.